Dog Stomach Flu
Dog Diseases Conditions A-Z. Medications for a Dog That Has a. Can Dogs Get A Stomach Virus Wag Keep an eye out for signs of dehydration if the spewing continues for too long. Dog stomach flu . Norovirus can be a common cause of stomach flu amongst humans and this virus has been known to be contagious so it sounds possible for a dog to catch a stomach virus from a human but it is NOT possible for a dog to catch a stomach virus from people. This is especially important if they are experiencing lots of vomiting or diarrhea. Metabolic disorders dietary indiscretion this means ingesting inappropriate things like garbage or the feces of other animals. The team has also confirmed that the human norovirus can also bind to the cells in the canine gut which according to Caddy is the first step required for infection of cells. You may notice that your dogs stomach appears to be distended or swollen. The vomit may contain foamy yellowish bile especially after the stomach has been emp...