
Showing posts with the label cage

Cage Free Vs Free Range Eggs

At present the USDA says it. According to All About Eggs by Rachel Khong cage-free facilities have more hen-on-hen violence and lower air quality than facilities that use cages. Everything You Wanted To Know About Eggs But Were Too Afraid To Ask Goodness Me This is slightly different than eggs that are free range which means the hens have access to the outdoors. Cage free vs free range eggs . Why do some eggs cost more. These hens are allotted less than 2 square feet per hen which is more than caged and cage-free hens but dont go outdoors too often. Cage-free does not require access to the outdoors instead of confining hens inside large windowless sheds. Cage cage-free free-range and pasture-raised are four different egg production methods. They are usually fed a corn or soy based diet. According to the USDA free-range and cage-free eggs specifically denote the environment in which the laying hens were housed inand thats it. Chickens laying organic eggs must also ...